FAQ: Residential Infill Strategy

FAQ: Residential Infill Strategy

FAQ: Residential Infill Strategy

Project Site: winnipeg.ca/InfillStrategy

What are infill design guidelines?

Guidelines are rules that will be used to judge how the design and location of a building will look on a property while attempting to make buildings “fit” with the “character” of their surroundings.

What is intensification criteria?

Intensification criteria is something that will be used to determine where higher density development happens.

Where will the Infill Strategy apply?

The Residential Infill Strategy will come up with policies for “Mature Communities”. These communities are outlined in dark grey (click map to see larger version). They are generally neighbourhoods that are built on a grid system.

Where won’t the Infill Strategy apply?

The Strategy won’t deal with other policy areas within the Complete Communities Direction Strategy (e.g. New Communities, Recent Communities, Mixed Use Corridors and Centres, the Downtown) and within areas governed by a Secondary (neighbourhood) Plan By-law.

What type of development will it apply to?

This project will apply to small scale infill development such as single family homes, duplexes/side-by-sides, triplexes, fourplexes, and small scale apartments (typically less than 4 stories).

Find out more on the City Website: winnipeg.ca/InfillStrategy 


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