YIMBY Winnipeg is a group that provides space for like-minded individuals to organize to support land-use and urban development reform in Winnipeg that will encourage a more walkable, accessible for all ages and abilities, sustainable, mixed-use and dense city.
Core principles of YIMBY Winnipeg include:
Recognition that planning and city policy needs to fosters the creation of walkable and accessible for all ages and abilities neighbourhoods where people can live, work and play with amenities nearby.
The importance of building housing, including multi-family developments such as apartment buildings, to provide housing choices for people across Winnipeg. This includes both social and market-rate housing to provide a range of options accessible to people of all incomes and life situations.
Recognition that the best places to increase housing and commercial density are transit-serviced, walkable, accessible for all ages and abilities, and bikeable communities near existing amenities.
Recognition that sprawling and auto-centric infrastructure/development presents a great fiscal burden on Winnipeg as well as having high environmental costs. We seek policy that move away from enforced car culture.
(Adopted as part of YIMBY Winnipeg’s Terms of Reference in June 2019)