City of Winnipeg Malls and corridors proposed zoning by-law updates for the Housing Accelerator Fund

Housing Accelerator Fund next step: Malls & Corridors

The City of Winnipeg has released its proposal for updates to the zoning by-law, with its first priority being malls and corridors.


The City of Winnipeg has acquired $122 million in Federal Housing Accelerator Funding to create 14,000 housing units 3 years. To accomplish this, Winnipeg is proposing changes to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law. These amendments include the following:

  • As-of-right residential development at mall sites and along commercial corridors
  • Four units of up to four storeys in height permitted as-of-right within 800 metres walking distance of high-frequency transit corridors
  • Up to four dwelling units per residential lot permitted as-of-right city-wide

Zoning by-law proposal

The first amendment being focused on is regarding mall sites and along commercial corridors. The City has released an explainer document that details the proposals, as well as the Implementation Process. Malls and Corridors are ideal locations for infill residential development. However, Mall Sites are currently zoned either Commercial Corridor “C3” or Commercial Regional “C4.” These zones currently do not permit multi-family dwelling.

Highlights & Priorities

  • Increase density
    • Ensure that development increases the number of housing units and provides for the greatest possible density appropriate for different levels of development sites
    • Decrease parking minimums
  • Accommodate more permitted uses
    • These Residential and Residential-Related uses are subject to minimum density requirements and would include:
      • Live-work dwellings
      • Multi-family dwellings
      • Single-family detached dwellings
      • Two-family dwellings
      • Assisted living facilities
      • Care homes
      • Dormitories
      • Single room occupancy
  • Enhance pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure
    • Safe and accessible pathways and routes
    • Increase amount of required bicycle parking
    • Create civic spaces (parks, plazas, community gardens, greenways, and more)


City of Winnipeg Zoning By-law Proposal implementation process timeline. Long description proceeds the image.

What can you do?

To let the City know you support the updated by-laws to improve housing availability and affordability, you can:

  • Attend one (or more!) of the open houses
  • Write your Councillor in support
  • Start preparing your comments (in-person, online, or written) in favour of these by-law updates for the public hearing in November
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