It was a very cold day in Winnipeg on Valentine’s Day in 2020 when a half-dozen YIMBY Winnipeg volunteers strolled through Glenwood to deliver love and appreciation to the people who inhabit infill housing.

Make sure to read on about our upcoming info events with free food and seminars at the end of this post!

Infill valentine's day 2020 handout, back pageDespite the -14C° plus the windchill (!!!) weather, we managed to deliver a love letter of appreciation to each of our wonderful neighbours in Glenwood that are rejuvenating and densifying Winnipeg.

Those houses are definitely beautiful and they definitely make the neighbourhood nicer. From everyone here at YIMBY Winnipeg, thank you and welcome to the neighbourhood!

Ryan Palmquist’s 2019 love letter campaign was the inspiration for the YIMBY Winnipeg 2020 campaign. We collaborated with former Winnipegger (but not in our hearts) Jason Syvixay’s designs from his own campaign in Edmonton, thank you Jason! See the inset images for what we delivered to our wonderful neighbours.

Overall, it was an awesome way to spend our Valentine’s day and we’ll be back next year to deliver love and appreciation to even more wonderfully dense infill houses. Talking with the people we bumped into about infill was a great experience, you rock Winnipeg!

Did you know that we have upcoming events where you can eat free food and make infill housing more of a reality? How about the how-to-do infill seminars we put on? Follow us on our Facebook page, Twitter, or get on our mailing list to keep an eye out for those events and stay informed on achieving low-cost, affordable housing for everyone in Winnipeg — your likes/follows really do make a difference! The tentative date for the free-food-infill-housing-education event is April 6, 2020 at Ralph Brown Community Centre.

Thanks Rex, we’re looking forward to 2021’s Valentine’s Day!