Come join YIMBY Winnipeg for our next organizing meeting this Friday. Please get in touch for meeting details.

There’s a lot to talk about. We have new updates for the Residential Infill Strategy at last, with a clearer timeline of when new consultations will be held (this fall). And our own Working Group on the matter has been coming up with many great new ideas for what to advocate for on this file.

We suspect the City’s new round of Infill consultation and engagement will be bare bones given that the Public Service did NOT get the $650K in budget allocation requested to do more work. One could expect this to mean that the City will be less proactive in reaching out to all Winnipeggers for input on the strategy.This may mean that the same set of individuals who usually show up to consultation and engagement sessions will attend the next round of infill consultations, rather than a broader group of Winnipeggers.

This is problematic. The Minneapolis 2040 Plan process south of the border proves the importance of broad, proactive and informative consultations that engage marginalized groups to achieving zoning reform. This means YIMBY Winnipeg will have to work really hard to get a more diverse range of voices present at the City’s consultations sessions. It can’t be business as usual if we want real change from the Infill Strategy.

Terms of Reference 

YIMBY Winnipeg will be looking over our draft Terms of Reference. This will outline our mandate and core vision as well as provide a bare-bones governance structure for our group.

Other News

There’s proposals to split massive, 152 foot lot containing a two-storey home into slightly less massive 75 and 77 foot lots in Tuxedo. The plan is for a second two-storey home. This development is being opposed by a lot of powerful individuals.

The Treasury Board Secretariat of Manitoba released a report on the permitting, zoning and planning process for municipalities across the province. It has some criticism of the development process in Winnipeg.